Calling all Leaders!
Hey! Here's your chance to really be in on the action.....
reACT is recruiting 19 teens from across Montana to serve one-year terms on its Teen Leadership Team. What does that mean? You receive tons of great training, get to travel to Helena for free 3 times a year, meet fellow teens from across the state, and have the most say as to what happens with reACT- what projects we focus on, what gear we order, etc. Basically, you’re serving as a representative of both your area and teens from across the state. You'll also lead teen trainings both in your communities and at the June summit...where, I might add, you get to walk around with a big bad "STAFF" on the back of your shirt :) Yes, there is a time commitment involved (mainly the trainings and monthly conference calls) but it's an awesome leadership experience and a super sweet thing to put on a resume!
You only have until November 29th to apply, so get going already!
Download an application at:
or contact for more info.