MT reACT! Against Corporate Tobacco

reACT is Montana's first and only teen-led movement against the tobacco industry, officially launched in June 2006!

Friday, March 23, 2007

2007 reACT Summit Registration- now open!

Want to be in this picture?

Then get moving! All teens ages 13-18 in Montana are invited to register for the 2007 reACT! Against Corporate Tobacco teen summit.

The summit will be held Sunday, June 24 through Wednesday, June 27, 2007 in Helena at Carroll College. This is a 100% FREE event for 200 Montana youth between the ages of 13-18. Accomodations at Carroll, meals, and bus transportation to Helena will be provided by MTUPP. There is no registration fee, either!

For those of you who were at reACT's first summit in Bozeman last year- expect it to be bigger and better! Highlights of the 2007 summit include:
-separate first year and "returner" tracks
-expanded art offerings including performing and visual arts
-a teen showcase to highlight the amazing work that has been done across the state in tobacco prevention
-daily regional meetings for teens to get to know others in their area and create action plans
And, of course,
-an amazing activism event!!

For more information about the event, including registration forms, please visit: On the site you should find answers to most of your questions, including the bus schedule, a FAQ form, and all of the registration information. Or, call (406) 243.2979.

This is a first-come, first-served event which is expected to fill to capacity very quickly, so register early! (NOTE: Registration is not considered completed until all required forms are turned in.)

Hope to see you in Helena!


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