Wanted to bring this to your attention...
The tobacco industry is always up to new and exciting promotions! We know they've got to get creative since so many of their customers are dying each and every day (1,200 to be exact). Their latest hot product has definitely raised people's interest here in Montana! They are called "little cigars"---but what they really are is, essentially, cigarettes wrapped in brown paper.
Why would the tobacco industry do this, you ask? Make a little cigarette, wrap it in brown paper and call it a cigar? Well, here it is in a nutshell: if a tobacco product is classified as a cigar and not a cigarette, the tobacco companies don't have to pay as much tax on it. It also isn't subject to any of the rules regarding pack size (i.e., you can only buy cigarettes in packs of 20, but 'little cigars' can be sold in much smaller packs...even individually!) So there is a definite advantage to tobacco companies, since they are easier and more affordable for teens to purchase. And of course, they come in all sorts of yummy flavors like berry, mint chocolate, peach...even rum!
If you haven't seen little cigars before, check out some pics of them below:
They look pretty much like cigarettes, right? Well, there are a ton of different brands and types. In fact, you'll notice that some brands and packaging look strikingly similar to some other products popular with teens, like markers or lip gloss:
So, this has definitely been a hot topic in Montana this week. There was a press conference on Tuesday to call attention to the issue, and there was a rules hearing today at the State Capitol to try to figure out what really makes a cigarette a cigarette, and to try and classify little cigars as cigarettes. No news yet (the process takes awhile), but 10 people spoke in support of calling little cigars cigarettes, so the support for our side is definitely there!
Here is some recent Montana media coverage on "little cigars" and the events of this week.....
Click on "Tuesday's Newscast" and the little cigars story is right at the 8 minute mark.
So....if anyone has any thoughts about this issue...or this new site in general...feel free to leave a comment!